It was cold. I lay hidden behind the bush close to the grassy path lining through the dark wood, it was my fifth night waiting. Often times a man or a group would walk past,[…]
Another day for melvin
For the first time in two days, I stood still and thought. What was I going to do to occupy my time? I had no job and the band didn't have a practice that day.[…]
Just another day at the office
JUST ANOTHER DAY AT THE OFFICE by bumboy 1. Merle and Janice were bored. Nothing much was happening today in the modelling agency where they worked, just the usual people they saw most days of[…]
Little kyle and friend and i
Hi this is my time writing stories comment are welcome My time is james I am Hindu so Is my cousin kyle. I secretly gay (so is my cousin I didn’t know). I’m 19 I’m[…]
New collage
I arrived at my room. My name is James. I was 19 when I started my term at tarneh collage. I was lucky to get in to this collage. This was because there was only[…]
Tempted (part 2)
Sorry I had to break up this story in the middle, but I do not get too much time to write. Hope you enjoy the next part. Candice felt his forefinger and thumb grasp her[…]
Like mother, like daughter
Copyright: These works are copyrighted by the author. They may be freely distributed but not included in any form of pay per read, pay per view or pay for site. They may not be uploaded[…]
The barbie lez fantasies – week 578 the sapphic wedding (part 2)
Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for[…]
Have hands–will travel –jamie
Maryland , USA — Friday This is a fantasy that might come true one day. It involves me, a semi-retired Erotic Massage Therapist, and an underage teen we will call Jamie. Jamie is 5' 2”[…]
The dark man
The Dark Man The walls seemed to vibrate from the echo inside the village hall. Every second inherited another boom, and then a crackling fizzle as the cheap speakers failed to keep up with the[…]
Was having drinks with friends in a bar downtown when i saw you walk in. we hadn’t planned a visit. we hadn’t discussed my plans. how did you know where to find me? you strode[…]
The room in my room part.1
i had just returned to my home town Las Vegas, to my mom's new apartment. i was in Colorado for so long living with my dad that i almost forgot how ghetto Vegas was. i[…]
Night visit
Ryan stood in the doorway of his little sister’s room watching the sweet girl sleep. This was the third night in a row he had stood here with his hand down his boxers, thinking about[…]
The hotel- reposted
Take notice that the names in this story are changed and this is written from my childhood stand point of age 14. The Hotel It was a sad thing that brought my family together. The[…]
Dangerous cnc on-line experience
Dangerous On-line Experience By Jax_Teller These days connections are often made on-line in various different forms. I was no different in that I was looking for a situation and possibly a long term relationship. I[…]
I wanted him that bad
Nikki and I had been up on the computer since 5 and it was now 11, we chatted on her MSN and had also been drinking Vodka and 7up she was still nursing her 1st[…]