Quite dumb.

Two parents had taken their 8 year old Tommy to a nude beach, He came running "Mommy Mommy I saw a woman with bigger boobies then yours!!" She smirked " The bigger they are the[…]

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Grey monday

A grey Monday morning. I'm sat – no, I'm slumped – behind the desk in my office. I look wearily at the clock. Only 10 o'clock – far too early to slip out for a[…]

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Step up part 1

Step up I can barely remember when it all started. I think it was two years after my mother died. My step dad got everything. she never made a proper will, there was no need,[…]

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Trust and disgust

TRUST AND DISGUST by Bobjj123 I’ve felt the sweet taste of revenge for wrongs perpetrated against me and the joy in knowing that it was me that orchestrated it. On the other side, I’ve seen[…]

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The new boy

I live in a small cul-de-sac. One of the ones where everyone knows each other, all the kids are best friends, barbeques in the summer, those kinds. The road was a long road of just[…]

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A taste chapter 9

At noon on the dot I opened mom’s bedroom door.  She was lying on her side facing away from me.  I called softly, “Mom, you wanted me to wake you.” She jerked suddenly to her[…]

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