So innocent chapter 1

"Dad?" Steve heard his young 15 year old daughter call out to him from upstairs. "Down here sweety." he said, looking at the stairs. Jessica ran down them, her long brown hair flowing behind her.[…]

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Authors note: There is absolutely no sex in this chapter. This is just to get the story rolling. I am not really sure if there is going to be a lot of sex in this[…]

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The journey

The Journey Your skin, your smile, your laugh, your touch,and your amazing body, They all get me hot, Don't you get shy, or don't you fret, Cause as we get older, perfect we're not. It's[…]

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Sound of bounce

-1- How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on[…]

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