At noon on the dot I opened mom’s bedroom door. She was lying on her side facing away from me. I called softly, “Mom, you wanted me to wake you.” She jerked suddenly to her[…]
Brads new computer
Me and brad were the best of friends, as joined at the hip, as anyone could be. We had grown up together, having lived next door to each other and gone to the same school.[…]
Jenny episode 2 *group sex?*
When Jenny awoke for the second time, she found a note on her dresser that read, TO MY FUCKING WHORE, MEET ME AT NUDIES TOMORROW. IF YOU DONT SHOW, I WILL TELL EVERYONE THAT YOUR[…]
A little death ( a miranda & victoria story)
The entire week of the joint iCarly/Victorious episode was the most intense time of Miranda’s life. Miranda, had never had more fun doing a taping. Victoria brought such positive energy and professionalism to the set,[…]
Housewife's fantasy i
Have you ever been standing at the sink wishing that someone would come up behind you and that their need for you would be so evident that you'd want nothing more than to give in?[…]
Two sisters
I'm Annie. I'm 16 and I have a 15 year old sister, Heidi. We're pretty close. I have chest length dark brown hair while she has light brown really curly hair. I'm taller than her,[…]
The making 3
My ass was still on fire but there was this strange feeling that something was missing, I actually wanted that plug back in my ass. Before I could even get comfortable with the idea that[…]
Alexa. Extreme measures. This story is a bit experimental; I decided to write my previous story ‘Extreme measures' from Alexa's point of view. You don't have to have read the previous story to grasp this[…]
Forcing the hot kid.
In school, there was a boy named Michael. He was in my PE class. He was just perfect. He wasn't that tall (only 5ft 4") but he had a perfectly smooth body, with nice abs,[…]
With jane pt 1: under the duvet
Under the Duvet Me and Jane were very close friends, we had a great connection and we were comfortable talking about anything together, she is one of my closest friends. She’s tiny (5foot 6) and[…]
My terrific sister – 1
I was watching the video and my cock was just fucking throbbing. The girl was taking this huge cock up her ass. It was massive. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Inside my head I knew[…]
Ugly duckling
Her name was Barbara, she lived not too far away from us across the railroad tracks in a shack of a home that her poor family rented. Barbara was an outcast, she attended school with[…]
My best mate dan (female)
Anyone looking for a story full of sex then I suggest you switch to another story, this one is long and meant to be romantic. For those interested in getting their rocks off there is[…]
Roland and verna part 3
Roland & Verna Part 4 Verna wanted some extra painting done in her kitchen that management didn’t approve of so I took it upon my own to be responsible for the expense to repaint it[…]
Raising little tabby jack part two
I knew Tabby couldn’t stay angry with me for long. She loved me as devotedly as I loved her, but I would have to have a heart to heart talk with her about the nature[…]
My best friend part two
you have to read my best friend part 1 to actually get it…i love licking and i like getting blow jobs, i am just here to please other. ENJOY We spent the rest of the[…]