Bad jokes

A class of elementary school kids is flying to D.C. with their teacher. Also on the plane are a lawyer and a Catholic Priest. Half way through the trip, the captain comes on the intercom[…]

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Young domination

Frankie was Vanessa's first love. They were both only 16 years old, and had recently discovered the pleasures of sex. "Do you have any idea how much I love you? " Frankie asked Vanessa one[…]

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Seducing the secretary

There it was, the flashing signal on his computer screen: "Urgent email" Mike clicked on it and wearily saw "Urgent email from The Chief Executive's P.A." Not using her name. Kate Harrington was wallowing in[…]

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Cock hunting

I woke up this morning with a very nice cock sleeping beside me. To wake him up I started sucking his cock, feeling it getting hard and filling my mouth with the warm delishious taste[…]

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this told in a direct form, as in one to one. its late on a wednesday evening and i'm veggitating in front of the tv when my phone rings. its you, saying you're in germany[…]

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