Brian & the bad boy

I should have known that inviting Casey Renning over after school would end up in disaster. Well, okay…not a bad disaster. Kind of a good one actually. I mean, he didn't burn the house down[…]

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Blind date

Tyler couldn't believe this girl!!! She was beautiful, smart, exotic, and witty, but talk about dominant, he could hardly get in a word edgewise!!! Even her name sounded exotic, Geneva Berk, now who had ever[…]

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First mature

I have always had a desire for older women with fuller figures and big tits. Having just gone through a divorce and working away from my home I decided to go to an dating website,[…]

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You have email

Computers and the Internet certainly have changed our world in the past 15-20 years. BY OLDPRO Our first computer was an Apple IIE and with the first modems you could talk in various chat rooms[…]

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Sweet revenge chapter 1

*Author's note-Everything belongs to me. I know the naughty teacher plot is sorta clliche but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. This part is more about reluctance than complete non consent, chapter 2 shall cover that[…]

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