I Woke this morning with a new sense of purpose.I new in order to get what I wanted I would have to put my plan into action. My plan was simple, to try and catch[…]
The old man and the beach–part 3
CHAPTER 9 A limo picked us up at 10:00 Wednesday morning as we hugged and kissed Leia good-bye. I scratched Max’s ears and told him to obey Leia. I knew he would. He and Leia[…]
Four fs
Author’s Note: The intimate details of the sex acts themselves are missing in this story. You may wish to read another story if that is your only interest. Four F’s What are the four F’s?[…]
Gay pleasures
Gay Pleasures This is my story, a gay story, depicting both emotional and sexual situations. If you are offended by the depiction of or feel uncomfortable with sexual relations between two persons of the same[…]
Mother dark
Mother Dark The mother of three children, Mrs. Prim and proper go to church every Sunday, and the loyal wife of a banker, is Beth. Today she wears black leggings, black flats, a long skirt,[…]
They call me dr. love…(2)
I woke up the next morning with an erection chiseled from granite.The blinding light of the sun being reflected off of the snow distorted my vision. I laid there trying to figure out whether the[…]
Lady in blue
I have to apologize for the typo's and no spacing. My stories are gone over and spaced and paragraphs appropriately done, however, when you post to this site, it screws with the formating, and add's[…]
Lynna:all night long
Part 2 will be out in three weeks please tell me if this is a good comment as this is my first time ever writing a porn story. I once liked this 4 girls when[…]
Cassy iii
Two other couples had already come by the pool and they were busy trying to put the fish in the barbeque rod. One of them had caught four fishes to our three, I noted. Our[…]
"one picture?"
“One /> By Blueheatt ___My daddy (Ben) and I ( Millie) had our ‘super secret‘. I was a real daddy’s girl and would do anything for him. I was his little spoiled brat, and we[…]
Under his spell
As long as Patrick could remember he had the power, well at least as far back as eight years old anyway. For about eighteen years now, with no real rhyme or reason, Patrick has somehow[…]
Demi pt. 2 (summer nights)
It was now high summer and the days and nights were hot, dry and humid. Because of the heat I often slept with my bedroom window open, I fell asleep with a mild breeze wafting[…]
Mariat i
Soft, leather boots made nary a sound as they brushed along the worn, dirt path that cut a thin swathe through the dim forest, as Mariat's lithe frame glided along it, akin to a shadow[…]
One night, one chance
In the fire light she danced as the flame, spinning countlessly into the cold brisk night air. Damien gazed upon her bronze skin and watched her long dark hair flow behind her. He thought of[…]
Old single friends
An old man and an old woman, who lived near each other in a large apartment complex, soon became friends after each one lost their spouse. Every Saturday evening at 6:00 pm sharp, the man[…]
Max lucy and mom.
I was 15 and I was masturbating in my room. A friend had come over and my mom let him in and said he is up in his room. Tony walked in and I was[…]