MEETING WITH DIANE Diabolus After I lost a second wife to a man I had encouraged to fuck her I decided on a change of Instead of watching other men fucking my wife I was[…]
The making 1
The Making I never have been much on taking orders. As a child I was a handful for my parents, as a teen I rebelled against any authority whether at home or elsewhere. As a[…]
A slave in the making… pt 2
Turning the webcam off and grabbing her towel she headed for the shower. As the hot water poured down her body Samantha thought back to the words her master spoke and the show she provided[…]
A night together
Our night starts out really nice for us as the children go to bed early, and you start to wash the dishes as I sneak away to the bedroom to ignite some surprises and cover[…]
Worthless and disgusting cunt-kitty
They were real hunks… the cute, dark-haired and 26-y/o Kat or Kitty had always wanted to have filthy intercourse with her brothers, Jude and Shane, who were 21 and 24 years old respectively. The scug[…]
Meeting curtis
It's a Tuesday night, and I'm walking home from a Narcotics Anonymous meeting in the dark. It's about six blocks from my apartment, but it seems like longer. The meeting tonight was the same as[…]
The every day life of james 3
Read the others to catch up. Pop! Pop! Pop! I heard a window break and a car drive off. I grabbed my grip and ran outside. The car from which the shots had come from[…]
Valerie carefully slid her fingers across the bumps that protruded from the pages on her book, ocassionally stopping to pick up the micro cassette recorder to make some notes for tomorrow's world history class!!! Every[…]
It wasn't me.
This story was difficult for me to write. Not because there's violence or anger. I've done that before. Not because it's dark, although it is. This isn't the first thing I wrote that you weren't[…]
Sex and the high school gril
Hi my name is Jim and Ann is my friend. I first seen Ann when I was out hiking in the Mark Twain National Forest. I started my day at the East side parking Lot[…]
Am not gay ( vol 1 )
Chapter 1 I had bad luck with women recently , I haven't had sex in a while now , the last time was about six months ago. But a friend of mine introduced me to[…]
Looking back
She was 15. I was 23. I first saw her running around their yard with her little brother. She had on a frilly bikini and even then her voluptuousness showed. She was sexy. She was[…]
Love story (full story, 6,000 words)
Love Story Author's notes: I wrote this story because I had been writing for quite a while and wanted to move to the other side. I saw the original movie with Ryan O'Neal and Ali[…]
Heaven sent adoption agency chapter 1
They get to Susy’s house suited and booted to a T around 7:55. They are riding in Michael car and could see that Susy's house is hopping, music loud and people all around. Adam says,[…]
Kids go to the ravine
Nyle finished putting on the sunscreen, rubbing it into his dick and balls. He needed to make a last pass, just to be sure. It was a little cloudy, but you had to be careful.[…]
Lexi's summer camp tease, part 2
As We got closer, I saw that it was not the camp owners waiting for us, but our bosses. Trey's boss, Steve, was short and skinny, brown hair and brown eyes. Not impressive to say[…]