– VII – It was the first Monday after Thanksgiving break, November twenty eighth. It’s been almost three weeks since Dylan and I got together. I couldn’t get enough of him. We spent every single[…]
My first love
My dad me woke up. I was finally home from New York. I'm where I belong, home. In Texas. It was the last day of winter break. It was a day from new years. I[…]
Dominant teacher
After four weeks of this, Derrick Price was about to go mad, or at least that was how he was feeling. Sitting in the front row of his English 212 literature class was Lilith Anne[…]
Fisting the flippers
As usual, after a game played against such a terrible football team as the Flippers, the Lighting Bolt cheerleaders were in a great mood. Not only did their team easily win the game, but now,[…]
My life 6 – i enjoy lynne and my sister together
Susan and I talked again about a foursome with Colin and Lynne, and it had also occurred to me that a session with my sister and Lynne had together might be a bit of fun[…]
One night stand…
More Than Just a One-Night Stand 7/25/07 So now again we find ourselves here, Wondering what the next line is. I’ll probably say something funny just to break the ice, Or something about how your[…]
Vignettes iv – candy and ingrid
Candy and Ingrid This story, though as erotically written as I could make it, is absolutely true. The events and even the rare snippets of dialogue are pretty close to what was actually said and[…]
First cum
I apologize in advance that this story takes a bit of time to set up. Sometimes the truth is quick, and sometimes the truth takes a while to impart. Thank you for reading. I experiencing[…]
The perfect slave
The perfect Slave Denise really was the perfect slave. The level of submission and compliance was far beyond that of any I had experienced before and I have been training slaves for a long time.[…]
Amy's first time chapter 4
Amy's first time chapter 4 Copyright 2006 We got to the hospital at around noon and went directly to the CCU waiting room where we expected to find Candi. Instead there was a young lady[…]
Zac's story 4
“Alright then, we’re going to bed,” Susan announced. “Take care of him and we’ll see you both in the morning.” The door shut behind them. They had both been really helpful in calming Logan down.[…]
Caw 7: a story of new york
Standing on the corner between Elmwood Avenue and Church Street there’s three things running through her head: Who does she have to fuck today, Will she make enough money for rent and food, and when[…]
Night games
I grew up in at the edge of a fairly small town. From my house, 2 blocks to the north was marshland, 2 blocks west was fields, mostly corn. In my neighborhood there was a[…]
Friday nights – part 2
My dreams that night were weird and erratic. Everything was coloured red and I kept seeing flashes of skin of my dad. Weird tastes in my mouth and feelings in my stomach. I would wake[…]
A trip to london part 2
As he collapsed next to her, she looked into his face and saw that he was smiling back at her. She rolled over and pulled him into her arms. She hugged him close and he[…]
“Have you initiated Samantha yet?” Carol Green asked her eldest daughter. After taking a long sip of her scalding hot coffee Jill Barton replied, “not yet mom, you know she just turned eighteen a few[…]