My dearest, Sometimes I sit here, late at night, reading so many sexual thoughts. People share so many things. There are threesomes, blowjobs, first time anals, rapes, and so much more. As I read, I[…]
Officer bigdick pt. 1
Intro: I've never done this before, so I just want to get my story out there. Please comment!!! This is easily my most exciting sex story and what makes it so great is that it[…]
Tits got banng bang
Once again I bring you the written copy of a more recent interracial adventure. Just like before, I love receiving mail from all of you and if you don’t get a reply from me the[…]
Sex with my sister (book 5 chapter 2)
Chapter 2 – Temptation Just about an hour after we got home, I had changed and gotten out of the speedo, and into a normal pair of black shorts. I was in the basement rec-room[…]
Jenni's introduction (long)
Chapter 1 I was meeting Jennifer later today. Jenni for short. We had spent the last couple of weeks communicating over email. It was time to stop fucking around playing pussyfoot and see if what[…]
Impregnating sarah — part 5
Part 5 Laura reached for the pen and clipboard she had abandoned earlier, she scribbled a short note. “Did you have any more encounters with Matt?” “No, he must have taken Derek’s warning seriously because[…]
The girl friend
"What a nice evening," Dina Corbin thought to herself as she slipped into the shower and let the hot stinging jets of water waft over her body. And it really had been a nice evening,[…]
Lustful thoughts become reality
I have always felt an attraction towards older men. Some people call it "daddy issues". I call it wanting a mature and intelligent partner. However, there is a limit as to how old a man[…]
Surprise ups package and tryst
Bridget sent me an interesting video; John, This is all for you. In front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, she slowly unbuttons her silk blouse, revealing a white lace bra edged with pink[…]
A teacher's fantasy: pt iii
The pictures Sara sent me were quite graphic. Close up shots of my cock sliding in and out of Sara’s cunt; my cock spitting its contents on her clit; her face as she was coming.[…]
Arm fucking-in the wrong place
One day a man with his georgian wife were having sex. The wife asked,why dontcha talk when we fuck? The husband replies,cause I just dont.Your hand in my mouth makes it hard to talk. The[…]
Marina pregnant after three dates
It's been incredibly hard to concentrate on conversation, and business deals while not thinking about Marina's phone call after her doctor visit. My new sexy 35 year old girlfriend of one week is pregnant. Marina[…]
Lust to the max
It's been a while, a very long time since my 14-year-old self has been "sexually active" as to what the elders call it. But that last time was my first, but unfortunately all I did[…]
Just to get by iii
Before I start this chapter, I wanna give a shout-out to one of my commenters. The last story I posted, Just to Get By II, one of my viewers gave me 3 comments full of[…]
The jockey: 14, 15, 16
In spite of its deion as this story is actually an embellishment of real experiences I had with a girl during my time on the radio. The first several chapters are absolutely true, save names[…]
Oh sally
This is a fictional story. My sister, sally, is one year younger than me. I’m nineteen, I stand five foot eleven and am 170lbs. I am in good shape as I play several sports and[…]