Rebecca and robyn

Rebecca and Robyn The sky was clear not a visible cloud for miles in any direction, there was a large palm tree casting shade on the spot where Rebecca had clambered out of the warm[…]

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Ivy Johnson woke up on the morning of her 18th birthday to the sound of a bird tapping it’s beak on her window. The sun was not up yet, but the sky was getting purple.[…]

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A biker's old lady

A Biker's Old Lady by Duskshade “God damn it!!” I cursed as the wrench slipped off, shooting my hand yet again into the sharp cooling fins of the motorcycle engine. The customer was always right,[…]

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Jen's wild night out

One day, as the wind whispered soft promises of meadows blooming with spring and lazy streams with blue gills pussy willows robin red breast blue birds and soft sarsaparilla sodas, Jen Jizzwhistle wanted to get[…]

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Home alone

“Goodbye Kelly and remember don’t let you’re brother run amok.” “I replied Kelly. Her parents got in the car and waved goodbye and sped off around the corner. Kelly closed the door and looked around[…]

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Face fucked

This is a story from an experience I had, hope you guys enjoy and comment. I used to post ads online looking for older men that i could dress up for and they could fuck[…]

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