Kallen's lust

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass /> Kallen's pov In the short time that I had known him I had come to admire him, and after spending so much time at his side I[…]

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Doing something bad

I met Natalie over the summer at my niece Jessica’s soccer game; she was playing forward while Jess was on defense. Our meeting was cordial consisting of Jess introducing us and us chatting for a[…]

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Megan part 3

Megan: Yes Sir, I will be here…. Megan woke up with a start a dark black feeling in her stomach from the vivid dream she had just had. As she opened her eyes she smiled[…]

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Earning a living

This isn’t meant to sound vain or arrogant but I’m sexy and very pretty and look a bit like the singer Katy Perry. I’ve been popular with guys since my boobs first developed just after[…]

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Mowing mr lewis

I never saw myself as the type of girl who was pretty, a girl who turned heads and got boys attention. I guess you could say I was a tomboy, hiding my feminine nature. That's[…]

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Explosive penis

During World War II, an American warship was attacked by the Japanese. A torpedo was heading towards the ship and a hit seemed inevitable. The captain told the navigator to go down to the crew[…]

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Ultimate sleepover

The Ultimate Sleepover * Mia’s new girlfriend Jamie was treated to Mia’s super secret… during a sleepover at her house. * __I’m Jamie. I liked walking in the woods behind my house. My house was[…]

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