
"Robbie, you are grounded!" Ellen snapped at her son. "I can't believe you thought you could get away with something like that." "Mom! That's not fair!" Robbie protested. "I told you that if you forgot[…]

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Honey dew pt 5

PART 5 – THE TWO COUPLES PLOT Paul ranted and raved about Beth’s call. He was furious and at one point blamed Dena. “Bitch! When I told you who was on the phone, why did[…]

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Rick comes into his own!

Greetings everyone,Rick here again! Time to share another heartwarming family experience with you all. OK! Now, in the last story which I called, rather cunningly I thought, ‘Keep it in the Family’ I introduced you[…]

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Evie 01

I entered through the heavy wooden doors and was blinded by the contrast of the gloomy drinking lounge, which was emphasized by the neon glow of beer signs and jukebox in the corner. Terry was[…]

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Explicit powers

This is my first ever story, have read it over but please I don't want a bunch of English teachers abusing my grammar. Constructive criticism is ok, but no stuff like that was shit etc.[…]

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Authors note: There is absolutely no sex in this chapter. This is just to get the story rolling. I am not really sure if there is going to be a lot of sex in this[…]

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