Just outside the town of Providence, four figures close upon their target – an old, battered household that is battered by the raging storm that conceals their movements. Biting winds drive the fierce, chilling rain[…]
Ritual blood lust
Ritual Blood Lust By Samantha G. A few years ago my company closed its doors–for good. Just Fucking Great! I was really pissed about this turn of events; this job was the only reason I[…]
Sam and nila … part i
I am Sam, a resident of Western Eurpoe. I am 28 yrs old, six ft tall, medium built physical structure. I work for an investment bank in a junior management position. I had a relation[…]
A clear conscience
Me and Lanie sat next to each-other on the couch, watching some crappy cowboy movie on AMC with old actors that only my grandparents would recognize. I really hated western movies, but I had settled[…]
Evening at the bar
Night at the Bar Ok it’s a Saturday night and you decide with nothing really going on & not really wanting to sit around lying on the couch you decide to head down to the[…]
The arrangement part one
This all began almost 15 years ago in a small town in the south. This was the kind of place where everyone knew one another and its definitely one of those places that reminds you[…]
The evil dead
It was the seventh day of her journey back home. Kaylee, a black women barely considered twenty one was wearing the only thing she had clean. A tight blue dress that stopped halfway up her[…]
Kelly, carly, and jj
I decided to work from home today. There was no way i would be able to consentrate at the ofice. it was coming up on 3, so I decided to shower and clean up. The[…]
My neighbor ned
My Neighbor Ned I’m an old guy widowed; living in the same house my wife and I raised our kids in. I have great neighbors some who have lived here as long or longer then[…]
Falling for susan ch.2
Thank you Blackstallion21 for editing and suggestions. Before you go ahead please note that this story is not only about John and Susan but also about Anna. Susan. In a single word, goddess. Her smooth[…]
Tom tongues trout tasing taint
Tom tenderly tongue tickled Trish’s taut tender tense tan trout tasting taint tentatively tracing a trail towards Trish’s twilight tawny toned twat whist Trish tenaciously tongue tickle teased Tom’s tight tense tender testicles. “I have[…]
My five minute girls
My Five Minute Girls I was sitting in my room minding my own business when all of a sudden my door opened. My sister Julia was shoved in and the door was closed behind her.[…]
Taking that little leap
Hi everyone, this is my first story on this site. My apologies if this first part is a little short, this is the first time I've ever written something like this, so your feedback is[…]
Victoria; ———– Vicky is Red, White and Blue, as American as apple pie. She’s a married woman of the Islamic faith whom I have, to put it politely targeted for seduction, or putting it less[…]
Toy store boy: chaper five: inseparable
Chapter 5: Inseparable My senior year started on a low note. The first time I saw Abby I tried to explain things to her. She wouldn’t listen to me at all. She said that no[…]
Veronicas secret
It was a warm summer’s day in Pittsburgh. The sweat was dripping off my forehead as my girlfriend and I drove down route 86 in my Chevy Cavalier. We were on our way to my[…]