
Harry goes to he doctor's and sits in a queue between to other guys. They start talking and one admits to having a red ring round the top of his penis. Harry then admits that[…]

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Young and old

"Please be seated Mrs. Gordon," Samantha Oliver said, "I've been just been looking over your application and everything seems to be in order!" "From what I can gather from your app," Sam continued, "you wish[…]

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Room service

The most bizarre stream of occurrences have dogged my life ever since I was born in London after my mother's water broke in Wales. I never looked back. Following major bus, bike, ship and plane[…]

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By the seaside

Goldie was sitting on a beach in Florida, attempting to strike up a conversation with the attractive gentleman reading on the blanket beside hers. "Hello, sir," she said, "Do you like movies?" "Yes, I do,"[…]

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Thats your mom?

…I told him how she always locks her bedroom door, the bathroom door and how I can’t even sneak a peek at her. Troy asked: “Dana, what does she wear first thing in the morning?”[…]

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Mike's story

Michael was a good looking 17 year old. He did run track, but was far from having the amazing muscular body that a football player. He had hair that was black as the night, and[…]

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