Amber is 23 years old. Her whole life feels like its been a lie. A world of acting a certain way, being who her family wants her to be. Shes a stunner, 5'10', blonde, tanned,[…]
Falling in love with learning 1
It was my last semester for this school year; Before I go any further my name is Melody… Melody Stewart, I am 13 years old I am In the 8th grade, I have blonde hair[…]
Abducted part 2
I wondered if this one was going to be even worse than the last one as he walked over to the car. "So this is her?" "Yep." He said with a smug smile on his[…]
My life (reboot) part 1
——This is a reboot of my older storyline “My Life”. It will not be exactly the same but some of the same character details and experiences. ——I am David and this is the story of[…]
Missionary: prologue
I hope you'rl enjoy this story. Please note that the prologue starts of slow. It is after all an introduction. But at least it's short. Enjoy Prologue The Shape Of Things To Come: The sleek[…]
Jayne the genie (2)
My eyes started to open. Light pouring in from my window, I stretched, yawned, and turned my head to my clock which read 11:15. I thought about it, but couldn’t remember what day it was.[…]
Desperate turn on
It was 6pm and already starting to get dark, I put on my best clothes because me and my mates were going out clubbing that night, I was wearing my sparkle top and my tight[…]
Click… Click… Click… Damn clock. I realized I was awake by that sound seemingly getting louder with every second. I seemed to be in a heavy fog, everything was grey, my movements sluggish. This isn’t[…]
My car was broken iii
The whole night I was at work I was just sitting there thinking about what happened, and bragging to my co worker. I had sex with Veronica AND Torre! I was on top of the[…]
A mother's helping hand
A MOTHER’S HELPING HAND Chapter One When Jason Jackson broke both his arms in a motor-cycle accident he hadn't quite envisioned just how supportive a mother can be. With both arms firmly set in plaster[…]
Rosie & megs plus a merc.
It was a beautiful day – the sun was high in the sky, the blue/purple tinge of heather scattered across the Scottish mountains added to the illusion of heat. As a driving instructor and examiner,[…]
Cat girl charity – the beginning.
Readers, welcome to the new series I hope will be enjoyable and interesting for you. This story takes place in a "dungeons dragons" type of world, where magic is a part of life among those[…]
Business part 2
Randal whistled a jolly tune as he unloaded the fresh meat into a special room designed for them. It held several comfortable beds, a tv, shelf full of books, and an attached full bathroom. He[…]
Watching sue story 4
If we get pleasure from sex its a wonderful thing. But remember that we get our pleasures in different ways, we are not all the same. I hope readers will get as much pleasure as[…]
Just perfect 2
Her giggles slowly turned into moans as she continued to trace little circles on her clit. I felt the cool air against my dick, sending shivers down my spine making my cock twitch. She brought[…]
Asha and oliver
"What kind of music do you like?" "Who is your favourite author?" "Remember that time when me and Ariel sang that acoustic set at the monk?" "What's the first thing you think about in the[…]