Never forget part 3

Chapter Four It was late when Kyle and Katie got home. Their parents were already in bed for the night. “I am so exhausted,” Katie said as they headed into the kitchen for a snack.[…]

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My beast intro

Many people may find this disturbing, but I have one question for them; Have you tried it? This is my story of how I was first introduced into the world of bestiality. Growing up in[…]

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Dream lover

Dream Lover Somehow your face is in my dreams each night, And thoughts of you come with each morning's light. You haven't done a thing to bring this on, But still I find my heart[…]

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How i passed

Aaron Smith walked down the same hall he did every day. Girls and guys past him by and he judged each one. He thought about the fun times they were having and he was missing[…]

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Bobby and spanky iv

Bobby and Spanky (Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors’ parents came to my[…]

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The dream…

I had a dream… I asked you if you wanted a fuck For no certain amount, So you gave no buck. We french kissed, And stripped, But didnt get pissed Cause the housekeeper got tipped,[…]

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Falling ch. 01

Chapter 1, In which I do a good deed I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to move, so I continued pondering the[…]

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