Chapter Four It was late when Kyle and Katie got home. Their parents were already in bed for the night. “I am so exhausted,” Katie said as they headed into the kitchen for a snack.[…]
My beast intro
Many people may find this disturbing, but I have one question for them; Have you tried it? This is my story of how I was first introduced into the world of bestiality. Growing up in[…]
Dream lover
Dream Lover Somehow your face is in my dreams each night, And thoughts of you come with each morning's light. You haven't done a thing to bring this on, But still I find my heart[…]
Taking good care of cousin maggie
About 5 years ago, I volunteered to drive my mentally disadvantaged cousin Maggie from her group home near the NY-PA border to her mother's home in Buffalo. Along the way, we became attracted to each[…]
Queenie and mianda pts 1 to 6
Part One Miranda Holmes locked the door of her small grey Ford car, straightened her grey skirt and checked her grey jacket in the reflection in the glass of the car door before she turned[…]
Stewardess cindy ch 2: a frankel humour story
Stewardess Cindy Ch 2 – Humour & Satire Originally written by Frankel Stewardess Cindy pushed the drinks trolley into the first class aisle. She liked working first class normally but today the other stewardess had[…]
Old couple clarifying sex
An older couple was contemplating marriage. The man was concerned about what the expectations of his wife might be. So he said to her: "Honey, I need to understand how often you expect us to[…]
Ranger of the north (complete)
Chapter one Earning my weapons My father had been a ranger and his and his. I had trained all my life to follow them and as soon as my twentieth year came I left the[…]
How i passed
Aaron Smith walked down the same hall he did every day. Girls and guys past him by and he judged each one. He thought about the fun times they were having and he was missing[…]
The angel babysitter -part three
“97, 98, 99…100.” Grunted Shane, dropping his weights onto his bed, noting with satisfaction the weight of them making the mattress bounce. He turned around to look in his full-length mirror, and held one arm[…]
Bobby and spanky iv
Bobby and Spanky (Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors’ parents came to my[…]
The dream…
I had a dream… I asked you if you wanted a fuck For no certain amount, So you gave no buck. We french kissed, And stripped, But didnt get pissed Cause the housekeeper got tipped,[…]
The one i met on the internet part 2
Linda sat there in the waiting room with her Master beside her, he had threatened her with the visit to the doctor if she didn't relax when he fucked her ass and now he had[…]
Falling ch. 01
Chapter 1, In which I do a good deed I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to move, so I continued pondering the[…]
Taking one for the team 3: homecoming
It took a while, but we got there /> "I have a question for you Ali" Rob Taylor said, over the general whispers of the circle. It was Friday evening, four hours after we[…]
"annies craving for cum"
Annie’s Craving for Cum By Blueheatt ….I met Annie right after her divorce. She owned a small business and I struck up a conversation with her when it was slow that day. She was really[…]