Tender flesh1

TENDER FLESH She awoke sore and uncomfortable. I’d bound her tightly just above the elbows and those lines to her ankles pulling her young dancers body in a tight bow. I loved to watch her[…]

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The drive-in

"Oh my God." John shook his head as he drove and said it out loud again, "Oh my GOD!" He laughed out loud and re-played the evening over and over in his head. He knew[…]

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What I did to him wasn’t really fair. Such a gentle tender man. There was no way for him to beware. I’ve thought over my actions. And I am not very proud. Of all of[…]

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Young neighbor

NOTE: Someone has been neg bombing my stories as soon as they appear, so I've had to turn off anonymous voting. Am sorry for that. <3 /> I am rounding the curve, almost home. It[…]

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Friday nights pt1 of 3

It all started on Friday night a couple summers ago. My gorgeous wife Robin was sitting with me looking at videos and pictures online. Not finding much but political bullshit and some lame videos, we[…]

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The 3ple treat

So it was the night before my bday and I was hosting a dinner party at my place for few of my friends[15 friends]. I was single at that point officially, but I was secretly[…]

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The laxbro

The halls of Jesse’s high school echoed with the raucous laughter of students and the idle chatter of teachers. It was the first day back from winter break, and everyone was catching up with each[…]

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