Father time

Father Time Adam’s head was about to explode. His temples pounded with a pain he had never experienced. The throbbing seemed to start at the base of his neck and rode completely up the entire[…]

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THURSDAY: … After yesterdays debacle I wasn’t looking forward to meeting a wife, Dania I think her name is. After calling J & J‘s security to get a 24 hour security detail I received a[…]

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Looking at my e-mails one morning, I received an intriguing message that caught my attention. “BY SPECIAL INVITATION ONLY” was emphasized. “SexGoddess has requested your presence at a special reading of her new story.” The[…]

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Watching and doing

WATCHING AND DOING John felt that he had made a very good deal. When he moved into this apartment building, he met and talked with the owner, and convinced that man to let him serve[…]

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Hurricane irene

Fbailey story number 616 Hurricane Irene We had plenty of warning of Hurricane Irene’s destructive force. The hurricane was headed our way. It was going to hit the Eastern Coast of the United States and[…]

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