Chapter 1: Complications Heaven and Life stood looking out the huge window in their hotel room as Heaven sipped the cocktail and Life cleaned his guns. He looked at Heaven then looked at the time.[…]
‘I feel it,’ she whispered, her voice rasping from the ache that was throbbing everywhere, but nowhere more than where his cock pressed through the layers between them. She kept her gaze on his mouth[…]
Dating site
Ever wonder what it would be like to meet someone online that is real? How many times have we all thought that we found that woman or man who would meet and fill your needs?[…]
My dirty little secret (9)
As always, thanks for the feedback, guys. I did notice that you all noticed the horrible errors I made in the last chapter and that's because of my terrible editing and the fact that I'd[…]
A boy and his genie – chapter 09
Sophie woke up the next morning alone, which was something she’d long since decided she didn’t like. She generally preferred to wake up cuddling with someone, whether it was Matt, Alexis, or someone else she’d[…]
Long time friends make love
My name is Rafael, I am 18yrs old, and my friend of 12yrs, Matt is also 18yrs old. We are both Hispanic, we're both 5'11' and best friends. He's dark skinned and has black hair[…]
Donna, the daughter in law.
In the days that followed, Donna was strangely quiet. She and Bob came by for dinner and a visit but she smiled demurely and played the loving daughter-in-law. I was getting more than curious. I[…]
Three gods of olympus boy of unimaginable power
David was about to climax while watching a nice tight young teen get pounded by a giant monster cock in the throat. The girl was a small dirty blonde girl with blue eyes an B[…]
Jazz piano player
A really great jazz pianist is playing for a jam session and a nightclub owner is listening to him wow the crowd with his playing ability. The club owner goes over to the pianist after[…]
Night of play: seduction, carnal desires, uncommitted sexual play
I feel I have always been passionate and have a very strong sexual drive. One time a woman I was dating said I had the sexual experience of a man and the drive and stamina[…]
Will's new old home: part 12
Amy walked through the halls of the UCSD Medical Center, wearing pink scrubs and white nurses’s shoes. Her long blond hair was tied in a bun, she had on red lipstick and black mascara, which[…]
Paula's nipples
Paula's Nipples – Intro: At my age some of my friends who got married early have daughters already old enough to have kids themselves, at least biologically old enough. Few 17 year old girls in[…]
For the love of big cocks
For as long as I can remember, I have been enamored with big cocks. I don’t know exactly when it started, or why, but as soon as I started getting interested in men, I thought[…]
Gotta go right now
Gotta Go Right Now There has been a commercial on television for some pill that will control your bladder. It has this stupid little jingle that I can’t get out of my head because my[…]
Lizzy the large – silf, stepmom i'd like to fuck
Act 1: Meet Lizzy the Large "If you want anything from me, you just have to ask for it. Then I'll see if I do it or not", that's what Lizzy Pompeia says whenever someone[…]
Sins of a father part 3
Sins of A Father Part 3 How time flies when you're having fun. Four years had passed. My sexcapades with my daughter were beginning to turn from a sick fantasy to an obsessive mission. A[…]