Titanium- x

Chapter 1: Complications Heaven and Life stood looking out the huge window in their hotel room as Heaven sipped the cocktail and Life cleaned his guns. He looked at Heaven then looked at the time.[…]

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‘I feel it,’ she whispered, her voice rasping from the ache that was throbbing everywhere, but nowhere more than where his cock pressed through the layers between them. She kept her gaze on his mouth[…]

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Dating site

Ever wonder what it would be like to meet someone online that is real? How many times have we all thought that we found that woman or man who would meet and fill your needs?[…]

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Jazz piano player

A really great jazz pianist is playing for a jam session and a nightclub owner is listening to him wow the crowd with his playing ability. The club owner goes over to the pianist after[…]

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Paula's nipples

Paula's Nipples – Intro: At my age some of my friends who got married early have daughters already old enough to have kids themselves, at least biologically old enough. Few 17 year old girls in[…]

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Gotta go right now

Gotta Go Right Now There has been a commercial on television for some pill that will control your bladder. It has this stupid little jingle that I can’t get out of my head because my[…]

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