Victoria stood with her arms folding looking out of her office two way window into the club.It was Friday night and the dance floor was packed.Victoria smiled it had taken so long to get this[…]
The two-sided coin ch 1
The Two-Sided Coin It was said some Millennium ago; that love and hate; are just two sides to the same coin. This was also said about life and death. Chapter 1 Jack was almost ready.[…]
Body art chap 1
Jack surveyed his new beginners art class. Who was to be his target this semester? He was a post graduate art student, already with a bit of an artistic reputation. He had irritated his professors[…]
First day back home
I have been away from home for around 5 years now. My Mother and Father split up and I was forced to move away from my house in California to a small two bedroom house[…]
Training zooey (chapter 2)
PART ONE – MYRIAN POV – Sex? Yes PART TWO – BEATRICE POV – Sex? Yes PART THREE – ERIC POV – Sex? Yes PART ONE – MYRIAN Myrian felt sorry for his brother, well,[…]
The fun we had back in the day- part one
‘THE FUN WE HAD BACK IN THE DAY’ PART ONE We were nine, and we gravitated toward each other as cast outs. The place in which we grew up was full of kids, a little[…]
My sister the btich chapter 2… teaser
LET THE BATTLE FOR WARSONG GULCH BEGIN! The level 39 Undead Duel Wielding Fury Warrior swiftly ran down the tunnel made out of mud. Picking up the speed boots half way down the tunnel in[…]
Max lucy and mom.
I was 15 and I was masturbating in my room. A friend had come over and my mom let him in and said he is up in his room. Tony walked in and I was[…]
Is it real ?
She looks at her phone, 'be there at 8pm, or else.' the text sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. Time for a bath and to get ready she thought. She looked through her[…]
Dress shop
I'm a guy in my early 60s. I own a dress shop. Right away, you are thinking that I am gay, right? A lot of men in this town figure that too. Little do they[…]
My new brother zane 2
The think I liked most about us was how close we were. From the very first day together, there was openness between me and my little brother Zane that I never thought I could have,[…]
Babysitting amanda, part 2: the mom comes home
Note: I advise reading Babysitting Amanda first, before reading this story. After that first night, Amanda's mom asked me to babysit more and more often. Soon I was over there several times a week. Amanda,[…]
Learning to eat cum 4
Learning To Eat Cum 4 It was Sunday. Lynne and I spent a leisurely morning catching up on the news and sport. I popped down the bookies, collected a few winnings, placed some bets on[…]
"So tell me, Janelle," asked Dr. Scott, "in your own words, what do you think the problem is!?!" Janelle, with her head down, looked furtively over at her husband, Kurt who was sitting silently in[…]
Karen and michelle’s sad story part 1 chapter 7
Karen and Michelle’s Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 7 By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 08 – part1, the seventh day
THE SEVENTH DAY The friends had ceased to participate in Duclos' nine o'clock lessons. Wearied from the night's riot, fearing, furthermore, lest some operation might result in loss of fuck at that very early hour,[…]