My daddy and me 2.

God I couldn't even describe how excited I was to finally see my daughter Mindy, there aren't any words in any language from anywhere on this planet that could describe it. The only little set[…]

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Formula 21b

When Jim went through his new apartment, he found several boxes left by the previous residents. He shook his head, knowing that they only represented even more work. As if moving all of his belongings[…]

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Blue magic 1

"200 key" Frank explained to his source. His source raised an eyebrow, it was Franks first time coming to him, and he was already asking for a big supply. "How are you planning on getting[…]

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Natural rhythm

Brodie couldn’t dance worth a lick. Most people found this strange. Brodie had been playing in bands since he was sixteen and was one of the best drummers in town. The man knew how to[…]

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Zac's story 4

“Alright then, we’re going to bed,” Susan announced. “Take care of him and we’ll see you both in the morning.” The door shut behind them. They had both been really helpful in calming Logan down.[…]

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