The card game

The card game After gathering some things the girls set off home. Tammi insisted Heather and her walk as they were. Heather wanted to get changed but Tammi reminded her that if she was knickerless[…]

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Accidental love

The ancient, dusty cobweb expanded as the warm air tugged at its weakened skeletal fabric. A rumbling swelled within the confines of the underground station; a roaring sound interspersed with the 'clickety clack' of steel[…]

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An evening out

She knelt, waiting for Master to step through the door. She’d heard the car pull into the yard, and hurried to the small pad she was kneeling on. Her heart was pounding as she knelt[…]

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Day one

Day One The women stood in a frightened line, hands duct taped behind their backs. They were hooded, gagged and naked. It was a mixture of types and ages. From a well preserved matron to[…]

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Damien skylar chapter 1

*Note from the Author- These characters and events are mine. This belongs to me and isn't open copy or share. For your additional understanding. The Main character isn't completely human, he's also part Daemon, its[…]

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