Money and power

God, Jasmine is a beautiful 31 year old Asian woman and a concert flute player who tours Europe. An Asian business associate brought her to my attention. She needed a professional entertainment team to manage[…]

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Sex joke

As confused as a infant in a titty bar. As confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market. Q. What do a Rubix cube and a penis have in common? A. The longer you[…]

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Pink panties

The nylon felt smooth and soft in his hand, but Eric still couldn't decide whether he should get the white or pink ones. He really wanted to surprise Jack, because he had a real weakness[…]

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An unpaid debt pt. 1

"JACKIE, Hurry up, you're going to be late for school. Lets go." "Wait, I'll be down in a second." Jackie quickly finished brushing her teeth and tied her hair up. She ran down stairs, gave[…]

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Bad vicki

Vicki bounced into the room with her usual energy. Her plaid skirt flitting up slightly as she did and her breasts straining against the fabric of her white cotton blouse. Her pig tails bounced on[…]

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A dark night

Alana walked quickly and furtively down the deserted, brooding street that was Spinner’s End. Breathing heavily with each step, she gazed over her shoulder repeatedly, convinced she was being watched. I hate going down this[…]

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