1st time pt3.

George jumped up grabbed his torn robe and headed for the door. He was cussing himself for not making Crystal put on her night clothes before she fell asleep. As he neared the door it[…]

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One fun sunday

Im Veronica, a 16 year old tall slender girl with dyed red hair. Not too many boys find me that attractive, only cause Im a goth. I don’t do the white makeup or drink the[…]

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Dinner at master l's

WARNING: This story contains sexual interactions between an older man and a teenager. I do not endorse, practice, or condone these actions in real life. This is purely a work of fiction. If you can’t[…]

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The fantasy

Ted's mind wandered back to the first time he had had two women at one time. He had told a friend of his named Cindy about his fantasy of having two women at one time.[…]

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My box… (pt.4)

"What's the surprise" I said grabbing my clutch.  "You" he said leading me out to the limo. Me, the hell. This man has a lot of mystery to me that shit turns me completely on.[…]

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Spreading seeds

Spreading Seeds (Copywrite 2008 Jack Luis) We rode into the Barny, New Mexico just after noon on the ides of March, 2356 CE. It was 250 odd years after the “Fist of Allah had Smote[…]

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Midnight visit

Only twenty words were spoken. Twenty words that would change her life forever, and also the way they saw each other. It started off distant and professional, him just taking what he wanted. But it[…]

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