Latex dress

Fbailey story number 193 Latex Dress When my sexy sixteen-year-old daughter said that she needed a special dress to wear up on stage for her solo during the school musical I thought to myself, “Why[…]

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Taxi ride

It was very late at night – not the best time to be a taxi driver. Or that’s what I thought until I noticed three very drunk, very sexy, and very scantily-clad ladies staggering out[…]

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The tow man

The truck approaches the stalled car. One more tow and he can go home to bed. It has been a slow night what with the rain and all. A constant steady rain, soaking, but warm.[…]

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Kountrygal is online in a place she calls, Cyberland. Anyone can visit this place through your computer or in a dream. It can be anything you want it to be, from an igloo in Alaska,[…]

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Housekeeper 3

WOW! Even after a couple of days I still couldn't quite believe what had happened at work. I still had a fire in my pussy from the encounter with John, and I dreamed every night[…]

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Triple threat.

Eclipse endured nearly 6 or 7 months of nothing but force breeding, even when her heat ended they forced the vixen to breed even when she was to sexually tired to. However as she drew[…]

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Marci reluctantly hung up the phone. It certainly is a treat for her, to be talking to me again so soon, so late at night. She looks around her, dark, empty apartment wishing I was[…]

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Masturbation room

Mark Davis surveyed the twenty plus women typing away in the steno pool, and then after careful consideration walked over and tapped Maria Benedetto on the shoulder and asked her to follow him out into[…]

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My sisters part 3

I woke up smelling pancakes and syrup. I opened my eyes and sniffed again. Definitely pancakes and syrup. I had my arm around Riley, my nose almost touching her long, blonde hair. She was laying[…]

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Gaining inspiration

You come out from the darker backstage area through a curtain, the stage lights is blinding and you start to wonder what you're doing here, you know that you trained hard for this, but the[…]

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Main road encounter

It was 10:00pm and Ellen a beautifull 13 year old was staggering along the main road called Parsons Avenue. Ellen was 5'4, longe black hair, greeb eyes and a nicly developed teen body. She was[…]

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