My girlfriend has a couple of sisters and i had my fantasies of them, but i never really got into her mother. she's a bit loud and obnoxious (like one of her daughters), but she[…]
This is part three of a series. The rest of the day went as usual. Thankfully Amy went back to bed and stayed there until some time in the afternoon. Rachel and I went out[…]
Betty's story
Chapter 1 Drat that phone! I hate it when someone just rings, & rings, & rings when I am absorbed with details for my firm’s newest sex club. Oh well, “Hello, this is Aries Talent[…]
There was a knock on my front door in the evening time, and I was the only one home at the time, so I ignored it, I wasn't expecting anyone and my parents didn't like[…]
Why hurricanes named after women
Why are hurricanes normally named after women? Ans: When they come they're wild and wet, but when they go they take your house and car with them. story by: The Porn Joker
Brother and sister chaper 2 his point of view
I stared up from my cereal when I heard one of my sisters come into the kitchen. It was Anna and she looked hot in her sun dress. In fact she looked hot in anything[…]
Brothers love
My brother and me have always been pretty close, you know, like most brothers. Basically if it where not for the age difference we would be even closer. im Andrew, im 14. im tall, slim[…]
An after school suprise
This is my first story soo.. I woke up on Saturday morning after an unbelievable night with my sister, who was still lying beside me with a satisfied grin on her face. Let me tell[…]
Sharing cindy chapter 33 "cindy and jim make a video for me"
Sharing Cindy Chapter 33 “Cindy and Jim Make a Video for Me” If you have read the past two chapters, you are aware of my wife Cindy and her lover Jim. They had many memorable[…]
Impregnating sarah part 11
Part 11—Sarah is air tight Sarah lay on her back and stretched contentedly, her arms reached far above her head stretching the muscles in her shoulders that had tightened as she supported herself during Dr.[…]
Ordeal of the twins. part 1:betrayal
This story is a piece of fiction. There is no connection between the characters and events any any real people or place. This is just a fantasy. Katie jumped at the sound of someone knocking[…]
Vicki's little secret
I'm Mike. When I first met Vicki I was 19. I had just moved in with my 5 new housemates, which consisted of: her mother, Rebecca; Paul, Rebecca's boyfriend; Sam and Kimmy, twin sisters that[…]
Spreading seeds chapter 7
Spreading Seeds Chapter 7 – Able and Amelia I awoke in the morning in warm sunshine. Audrey was in my arms. I kissed her before slipping away and thought I’d made a clean get away[…]
Captured (part 2)
Lunk could feel the energy bands on his wrist tighten when he pulled against them. There was no way a to break free of them. Even though the bands were designed for an average human,[…]
My sib made me a sub (part 4)
I couldn’t believe my luck. I was waking up next to an angel! The best part about it was she wasn’t put up to it by my sister. Sure Susan did that a lot in[…]
A dream come true
I never really consider persuing this more than my wife and I talking about my interest.My wife of 25 yrs. and I have spent the last half a dozen or so years exploring different sexual[…]