Mike's story

Michael was a good looking 17 year old. He did run track, but was far from having the amazing muscular body that a football player. He had hair that was black as the night, and[…]

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The language barrier

The Language Barrier She stepped out onto the street, the door of the dance club closing immediately behind her. She looked each way to get her bearings and started down the street to her right,[…]

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His x

“Evening, Slut.” The word causes an uncontrollable stirring, as she feels excitement & anticipation begin to seep slowly from her aching body. She bows her head subserviently as she allows his strong arms to pull[…]

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The puberty pact

In a barn behind a rundown old farmhouse, Jase and Jeremy, 11-year-old best friends just finishing fifth grade, accidentally discovered the brand new joy of loving each other one magical summer day neither of them[…]

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