Mixed metaphors ix

Mixed Metaphors IX Becky awoke at 3:00am. She was having a difficult time remembering how they got to bed. The last thing she recalled was the smile on Tony’s face when he lay prostrate on[…]

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Suzanne 4

This is the sequel to Suzanne 1,2,3. I suggest that you read those episodes first. After our rather wild evening with Sally and Jerry, we got dressed, although the girls had very little to put[…]

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Helping out claire

I work in a small shop doing computer maintenance, upgrades and the like. Thankfully I don’t have to work Saturdays anymore, as about a year ago Claire joined us and took over the Saturday shift.[…]

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The cable guy

The desire gets stronger the longer we fantasize about it. It seems every time we have sex now it always includes pretending there is another swinging dick in the bed with us. Most often it's[…]

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Jessica remembers wanting to get a tan but the sun is partly covered that afternoon so instead she swam around in the pool. It is at least two hours before the sun came out strong[…]

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Just perfect

Perfect! I thought as I walked home. It was my last school team baseball practice and from the last day of school. As I walked home to an empty house I happily thought, what more[…]

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The cruise

THE CRUISE We boarded the huge cruise liner in Venice, Italy for a seven day trip up into the Baltic Sea, with stops in Athens and Istanbul, then on to Yalta and Odessa before returning[…]

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