Betty's story

Chapter 1 Drat that phone! I hate it when someone just rings, & rings, & rings when I am absorbed with details for my firm’s newest sex club. Oh well, “Hello, this is Aries Talent[…]

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Needing you part 4

But for Vince… it was harder. He couldn't tell what path would lead to Vince's center or where his submission truly lay. The challenge focused him in ways he hadn't felt in a long time.[…]

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Lost empire 7

Derrick jerked awake as the proximity alarm began to wail, "Shelby report!" Derrick shouted. "I am reading multiple ships heading in this general direction," she reported. I shouted as I ran to the bridge. "I[…]

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Biker gangbang

It was the Friday afternoon, before the Holiday Weekend, and I was driving the car to the ‘Biker Rally’ and ‘Rock Festival’, when I realized that I had a ‘slow puncture’. My husband, Craig, had[…]

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