Sibling incest

John woke slowly as the sunlight streamed through his bedroom window, creeping down the wall and onto his closed eyelids. He yawned and stretched his limbs, recalling the incredible dream he had had during the[…]

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Stuck on him

What the hell is wrong with me. I can’t figure it out can’t you see. I’m totally stuck on this hot guy. Contact with him makes me totally high. I crave him something awful every[…]

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Brotherly lust part 5

The boys lost all control, their normal morals went out the window, they were like starving rabid dogs kept from food for weeks then thrown a carcass, They ripped off there clothing even before they[…]

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The punk and me

I was steadily staring at him from the corner of my eyes trying to make it not too obvious that I was going crazy with sexual tension. He was about six foot ten, dark eyes,[…]

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Cody and i 3

A WEEK LATER I finally did it. I finally been with the one boy that I really wanted to do anything sexual with. One thing still worried me though. Was this just a one time[…]

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Jayson's mother

Jayson’s mother silently opened the door and then there she was; how devastating it is when you are fifteen years old and someone catches you masturbating. There wasn’t much I could do, and I did[…]

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Cafe l'amour

Cafe L'Amour. What a stupid name for a coffee shop in the middle of Bumfuck Egypt. Ok, more like Northern Montana, but close enough. Either way, some fancy sounding French cafe had no place there,[…]

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