. For years I fantasized about fucking my beautiful aunt Mindy. She was so sexy to me, and was always friendly. We were only 4 years apart in age. When we were younger, she would[…]
Spreading seeds
Spreading Seeds (Copywrite 2008 Jack Luis) We rode into the Barny, New Mexico just after noon on the ides of March, 2356 CE. It was 250 odd years after the “Fist of Allah had Smote[…]
Forbidden fruit: pt iii
It was getting more and more difficult to keep from taking Candy’s virginity. She practically threw herself at me all the time. My cock wanted to nestle itself deep inside her womanhood, but my other[…]
The barbie lez fantasies – week 79: the stallion
Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free[…]
Ester, helen, and rose
Ester, Helen, and Rose I went to my local home improvement store/warehouse to return something. I was in line behind a short guy, waiting. Behind us I saw this woman, a Hispanic beauty, long black[…]
All for love
My husband and I have been married for several years. It's been a challenge finding new and exciting ways to keep the passion alive in the bedroom. One day, a friend and I came home[…]
I'm sorry
/> The attempt to get the usher's attention went unnoticed as he quickly collected the discarded church programs and fans left strewn about in the pews. Dan noted Kris' bright blue afro and the small[…]
Return to new york from paris
After arriving in New York, Mina is dropped off at the Ritz Carlton to unpack, relax and get ready for dinner later. I go to my office to business meetings for most of the day.[…]
There was no other way
I don't believe I have chosen to share this with anyone especially here on the internet! This took place about a week ago and finally I decided I needed to tell someone though. Last Friday[…]
Quagmire the final fantasy
As they stepped into the shower Quagmire watched as Lois’s hair became wet, water cascading all over her, dripping down her slim body. He couldn’t believe it his best friend Peter Grrifin’s wife was in[…]
One night, one chance
In the fire light she danced as the flame, spinning countlessly into the cold brisk night air. Damien gazed upon her bronze skin and watched her long dark hair flow behind her. He thought of[…]
Chearleader surprise
Cheerleader surprise (this is my first atempt at erotic wrighting so please give me feedback on this ) My little sister had a friend called Mary they often had sleepovers and sometimes Mary’s older sister[…]
Only young once…
On a completely normal night out, I met a guy in a club. From the outset I should say that I was a taken lady and really not in the market for a one night[…]
Seducing recently divorced friend
I was in New York on business for the week, when I recieved a call from Heidi. We had talked on the phone several times after her divorce. She asked me to come and stay[…]
Gaining inspiration
You come out from the darker backstage area through a curtain, the stage lights is blinding and you start to wonder what you're doing here, you know that you trained hard for this, but the[…]
China girl chapter 4
As Suzie and the boy walked along the beach towards the inlet, she found herself slowly losing her nerve. It was as if there were a battle raging within her breast. Outwardly she seemed so[…]