Camp (long story)

It was morning at camp, this camp was nothing like any camp anyone had ever been to, all the kids there were kids that were living rough, kids who had no parents, they were brought[…]

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Jessica Copyright © 2016 Jax_Teller By Jax_Teller I had seen Jessica at a mutual friends house for years but never had much contact until a year ago. We'd been friendly at a distance never having[…]

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Four fs

Author’s Note: The intimate details of the sex acts themselves are missing in this story. You may wish to read another story if that is your only interest. Four F’s What are the four F’s?[…]

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Bringing in jenny

My girlfriend and I had been discussing for quite some time about inviting a woman into our sex lives for a threesome. We are an extremely sexual couple that met under some interesting conditions. She[…]

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Doggie fashion

It has been studied and determined that the most often used Sexual position for married couples is the doggie position. The husband sits up and begs… And the wife rolls over and plays dead. story[…]

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A love game

Enjoy! Trevor was your "all around" student athlete. He played Varsity football and kept great grades. That's what initially attracted me to him. His kind, gentle, hands…pretty smile..and let's not forget his green eyes. I[…]

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His 'wife'

“Thank you for such a wonderful evening,” Kimberly Knight said to her hostess and friend Ruth Pedersen, do it again real soon, all right!!!” Ben Knight stood quietly behind his wife while she gave the[…]

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Take my picture

"Jake, your two thirty is here," Kiki informed her boss, photographer, Jake Klein. Without looking up from the proofs he was reviewing, he replied, "Set her up in studio three, and get the lighting set[…]

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The angel next door iii

Okay, I’ve had some comments saying that they though I changed Josh and he’s way too cocky. Let me clear all those issues up. That’s Josh’s character. He’s cocky and you’ll just have to get[…]

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