She was always such a pretty girl. Long, dark hair, dark eyes and even as a baby, she had such a beautiful, dark, olive complexion. She was also such a sweet, little girl despite the[…]
The watch dog
The Watch Dog by Author Unknown Chapter 1 The squad car's wailing siren cut through the stillness of the summer night like the sound of someone screaming in the throes of a nightmare. From far[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 28 – part1, the twenty-seventh day
THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY The denunciations, authorized on the previous day, began early that morning; the sultanas, having remarked that, save for Rosette, they were all listed for correction, decided that all eight of themselves ought[…]
Dad's tapes
Her dad didn't even know that she knew about his cache of X-rated videos he had hidden on the top shelf of bed room closet. Danni had found them purely by accident when she was[…]
Tattooed tree
As far back as I can remember, its been me and my dad, Ayden. I know he and my mom had me when they were very young. Mom didn’t stick around. She left when I[…]
Sexual healing – part four
The snow hadn't started yet, but the Weather Princess on the Weather Channel had promised it. Given the temperature and the feel of the night, Connie suspected the promise was going to be well-fulfilled by[…]
Careful where you jog 2
CAREFUL WHERE YOU JOG 2 First I want to apologize to any of the parts that offended anyone; in the first story I tried to reach the interests of various readers. I woke up sometime[…]
Sins of a father part 3
Sins of A Father Part 3 How time flies when you're having fun. Four years had passed. My sexcapades with my daughter were beginning to turn from a sick fantasy to an obsessive mission. A[…]
In the belly of the beast
Her body was lithe and deadly, tight in all the right places and long. She gave the definite appearance of a cat as she walked into the room, the grace of her steps, the power[…]
An affair of different kind
It was pouring down hard now. Big raindrops were hitting the roof of the car in arrhythmic sequence, sometimes drumming against it softly, only to change and a moment later knock forcefully as if threatening[…]
Lazy afternoon
It was a lazy afternoon in July. Due to the blistering hot heat, I decided to take my kids to the local park. As they played on the swings and slides, I sat on the[…]
Court records chapter one
The events in this story are roughly related to a specific court case which is completed, and now a matter of public record. Names, places and event timing have been altered; however effort has been[…]
A great time with tonianne
Hey, my name is Joe, and to start, I should probably tell you a little about myself. I am 15; a Sophomore at my local high school. I was a tall 5' 8", had hazel[…]
When i became a woman — chap. 9 — cassie's gift to mommy and daddy
WHEN I BECAME A WOMAN – CHAP. 9 – CASSIE’S GIFT TO MOMMY AND DADDY After Thanksgiving and the drive-in, the leaves dropped and it was up to me to give Mommy and Daddy something[…]
Sports camp
Yep, you read it right, it was a multi-sport camp held at a major university which will remain nameless for obvious reasons. The athletes at this weekend camp range in age from 10 years old[…]
An incest birthday chapter 34
One chapter left! The series is almost over. Its all coming down to this. Enjoy. It’s been a whole month since dad said he would give us a chance, and frankly, it’s been a really[…]