This story begins in my first day of 10th grade.Before we begin I'll guess I will tell you some things about my self. My name is Matt and I am 15 years old. This story[…]
Me and my brothers chapter x
X. A Gang Bang Louise arrived back and Bobby said, “I’ve explained the timer so are you ready to get /> “Bruce is getting pop, so why don’t we take a break before we get[…]
Me and adam
It was a long Friday at school, and I was glad to finally be done. It would be good to have a weekend without tests and homework. As I boarded the bus, I thought about[…]
Together with angela pt3
As always, your comments are much appreciated. Also, please take time to vote. Just a very few negatives drops my stories into obscurity. Thanks. Now on with the show… Angela motioned for me to come[…]
PENANCE By: vapidvector pen-ance (pen' ens) n. [see penitent} voluntary self-punishment to show repentance for wrong- doing, sins, transgressions, etc. Her husband could hear the car door slam in the driveway as his dearly beloved[…]
Going away present
“Damn! She’s hot!” Ryan stroked his dick as we sat around the computer screen. On the screen was a young woman being fucked in the doggystyle position. Caleb looked at me and grinned. Ryan’s parents[…]
Lacey learns from linda
Hi, my name is Lacey, but my friends just call me Lace. I am almost 20 years old, one month and two days away, LOL, so I have to have my older friends buy my[…]
The everyday life of james 2
Please read the first one as it will help you understand the rest of the story. /> "Get up JJ you got school!" I heard Gloria yell as she left the house. I groaned preparing[…]
My intro to real bondage 8 + 9
Chapter 8 — "Two friends are better than one" For the first time she appears to be a bit sorry for the condition she finds me in on Saturday morning when she arrives to release[…]
Loved by a marine part 3
"Amber no I don't want you to do that right now. Nelson pulled her up an against his chest. "What's wrong ? You don't like me? Do you ?" She asked. "Its not that I[…]
Circumcise a redneck
How do you circumcise a redneck? Ans: You kick his sister's chin. story by: The Porn Joker
My dancing pt. 2 katie
As time went on, I stopped working in dance studios and began to do a little freelance teaching on the side. I didn’t like how the studio directors and managers taught this as a business.[…]
I will return
"It was a wonderful wedding," Alice Burton said, kissing her new husband on the neck. "It certainly wasn't CT, your father treated me like a complete asshole. I hate him, by the way." "You didn't[…]
Roommates: ch2- flirting, drinks, & sex
Norah sluggishly woke up at 12:21pm and dragged herself out of bed trying to remember what had occurred last night. And also trying to remember why she had a feeling of hate all over. She[…]
As the clock striked…
The moment excelled as she stepped from her car. The excitement grew as her body swayed to the music that was pumping from the inside of the brick building. She looked up at the windows,[…]
Time on my hands irony part iii
Time on My Hands Irony Pt 3 I strolled around thru the offices and admired all the women that worked here in the Corporate offices. The date 3 June 1881 Today I was 16 no[…]