Home Education by Lamia Fangs I return barely two weeks ago from my high school third grade English course exchange trip. This year, we organized a trip to the state of West Virginia in the[…]
Pray for us sinners
This is the third story of a much longer story arc, which is best read in the order of the List at the end. Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I[…]
The mark
Sunday morning; Its three AM and I’m just cutting loose from the bar. Man I hate staying till the lights come on. I’m turning 35 in just a few short months. This does start to[…]
The kennedys, 3.1: house (and ass) warming
“You could tie me up.” Kiki’s response was unexpectedly enthusiastic, “Oooh, thank you! You’ve never asked me to tie you up before. You know how much I love that.” Actually, I didn’t, and I hadn’t[…]
The disparate couple
Byron wondered why he even bothered!!! After eight months of faithfully working out three times a week, he still weighed only 135 pounds and had arms that resembled spaghetti!!! "Okay," he said under his breath,[…]
The mysterious lana (ch 7)
It had been nearly six months since his trip to New Orleans and that fateful night with Lana. He simply couldn’t explain it but he couldn’t get her out of his mind. What hurt the[…]
My daddy and me 2.
God I couldn't even describe how excited I was to finally see my daughter Mindy, there aren't any words in any language from anywhere on this planet that could describe it. The only little set[…]
Mistress of the house pt 1
As we sit on the couch of my home kissing i slowly move my hand down your back and thank god you are wearing a skirt tonight. I reach down to your butt and i[…]
The sex tutor
My husband Frank and I have a great relationship. Just let me give you a little background. I have known Frank since we were young teenagers. We lived in the same neighborhood, and hung out[…]
Like a dog
Another true story about the same guy. 2.30am. A text message: "I want to see you tomorrow morning". Our fantasies are always fairly extreme, and when we’re not involved sexually, we’re really good friends. I'm[…]
My sister-in-law amy
My brother married Amy when I was just 15 years old. She was 26 and absolutely stunning. She reminded me of Katherine Heigl, standing about 5 foot 9, 36 C breasts (I checked a bra[…]
When I walked in on my loving husband with another woman I knew what I had to do. He sat completely still while she covered herself with my favorite black sheets, I quickly dropped my[…]
Ups and downs of life
Who know those feel good stories that good wins over evil and in the end the underdog gets the girl and all is well; well this is not one of those stories. Hi my name[…]
A chance encounter part ii
2 months later Marie sat in the back seat of her best friends Chevy sonic listening to the conversation going on around her. She couldn't believe she has let Aélita talk her into going to[…]
In memory of
The camera swims into focus on her breasts, filling the entire frame. Backing up a little, a hint of a smile can be seen at the top of the screen as she moves her hands[…]
My uncle and me.. (part 1)
This is my first story ever.. I hope you enjoy. Please leave positive feedback, what can be improved upon, etc. Enjoy! My Uncle and Me.. My Uncle and I were always close, since I can[…]