Sound sleeper

the ec=vents in this story took plac a LONG time ago, back when things were more accepted. but, alas, times have changed. I had never intended on things happening the way they did. My name[…]

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Desperate need

This is my first story, and if I get enough views, I'll start a series. Please comment and message me tips and ideas, and I'll try and work them into my next story. I really[…]

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Flat tire

Late Friday afternoon, topped the week off for Jennifer as she ended up down a dark rural country road with a flat tire on her car and no phone signal. Her luck is about to[…]

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Leo's life part 1

I stood in the hallway outside of the physical trainer’s room staring at the football list. All of my stats were 20 times better than I thought they would be. It was August and the[…]

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The orchestra trip

It was that time of the year again: the end of the year orchestra trip. This year, they were headed up to Boston for the music festival (that’s what they call the competitions). It was[…]

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Saturday night out

Giada fidgeting with her short dress, clearing her throat uneasily as I sat at the bar. Men were staring at her. The dress I sent her is very short and the sharp, lethal looking stilettos[…]

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