Step-daughter, Mendy’s and my First Time This is my first story, so please bear with me. None of this story is true so please keep that in mind. The wife, Jennifer and I met five[…]
Sound sleeper
the ec=vents in this story took plac a LONG time ago, back when things were more accepted. but, alas, times have changed. I had never intended on things happening the way they did. My name[…]
Daddies little girl got caught
I stood there with my heart racing peering over the window that ran across the top of my bedroom wall, just on the other side was my daddy's room and I had the best viewing[…]
Lazy summer daze – chapter i
I awoke this morning with this tightness in my gut; a signal. Fuck, today's gonna suck, I think to myself. On mornings like these I was always right: My eyes were fighting me for sleep,[…]
My time on the beach
This is based on a true story. But to make it internet worthy, I had to embellish parts. Also cut out the long boring scenes. There is back story, and if this one is rated[…]
Desperate need
This is my first story, and if I get enough views, I'll start a series. Please comment and message me tips and ideas, and I'll try and work them into my next story. I really[…]
Flat tire
Late Friday afternoon, topped the week off for Jennifer as she ended up down a dark rural country road with a flat tire on her car and no phone signal. Her luck is about to[…]
Leo's life part 1
I stood in the hallway outside of the physical trainer’s room staring at the football list. All of my stats were 20 times better than I thought they would be. It was August and the[…]
Will's new home: part 5
“Darby, I can’t say I’m proud of what yall did.” “I’m sorry, sir” /> The girl gulped. “The lord forgives, and as do I” “Thank you, sir, this time I promise I-” “Hold on now,[…]
Sonnet about prick
S O N N E T Look at him, he is so hot – My delightful precious rod!.. When he feels your little pussy He becomes so hard and juicy! Don't be modest, don't be[…]
The barbie lez fantasies – week 29: zoophilia (part 3)
Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for[…]
Shared with sperm: amanda used? part 4
Shared with Sperm: Amanda Used? Part four Chapter 9 “The Day After” The alarm on my mobile phone woke me and I sat upright, feeling definitely worse for having only a couple of hours sleep[…]
The orchestra trip
It was that time of the year again: the end of the year orchestra trip. This year, they were headed up to Boston for the music festival (that’s what they call the competitions). It was[…]
Saturday night out
Giada fidgeting with her short dress, clearing her throat uneasily as I sat at the bar. Men were staring at her. The dress I sent her is very short and the sharp, lethal looking stilettos[…]
Murder on the mainline: another mike claymore mystery chapter 12
CHAPTER TWELVE 3RD SATURDAY Saturday morning, thinks Mike, almost the end of May. Two weeks until the first hearing is scheduled for Ray. He reviews in his mind the progress he has made in trying[…]
Cool spring nights (part 2: loose1 gain2)
This is an original work by inferis created in 2011. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you don’t like it or find it offensive stop reading it and find something else to enjoy.[…]