
Not to speak ill of the dead, but the guy that lived across the street was a complete ass. He is one of the few people that when he died, instantly improved the life of[…]

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My name is Ahmed and I have recently joined in a company which is situated in Las Vagus. So I had to move here leaving my lovely Chicago. The company has branches in almost every[…]

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Gimme a saw

A construction worker in the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the other[…]

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One fun sunday

Im Veronica, a 16 year old tall slender girl with dyed red hair. Not too many boys find me that attractive, only cause Im a goth. I don’t do the white makeup or drink the[…]

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The frat

The Fraternity When I was eighteen years old I was arrested for a curfew violation and spent the night in a juvenile facility. It was supposed to teach me a lesson and ensure I never[…]

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