Jyll part 2

Chapter Two – I spent the rest of my night sitting on my couch arguing with myself over last night’s events. Try as I did I just couldn’t quite justify what had happened. I knew[…]

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The big Cat groaned as it dug into the hillside with its sharp scraper blade, crisscrossing the side of the hill like a bright yellow prehistoric spider taking tons of dirt into its gaping maw[…]

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The favor

Chad said to his mother as while opening the refrigerator door to get a glass of milk to go with his chocolate chip cookie!!! His mother sat down at the kitchen table, took a sip[…]

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Andrea has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. we bonded in kindergarten because neither of could tie our shoes. we have shared blood, sweat, and tears. she is the one[…]

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A child's play thing

Patricia shuffled uncomfortably as she held the pole of the evening bus as she left her afternoon classes and stared out at the darkening skies. She felt some one brush up against her and heart[…]

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Fifty hour week. Fifty hours of mind numbing financial calculation. Fifty hours in the shittiest cubicle of a shittier office with no heating system because Walter Sheridan is too fucking tight to install one. After[…]

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