Moonlit lust

It's a typical night for me. The vast night sky hanging over me, somber surroundings of stone, decay, and the unknown all around me. I am what people refer to as an outcast. The poor[…]

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Our first time

It all started with a click, one single click, and it lead to the most amazing friendship and relationship anyone could ever ask for. This is my story: All throughout the years of his life,[…]

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Old single friends

An old man and an old woman, who lived near each other in a large apartment complex, soon became friends after each one lost their spouse. Every Saturday evening at 6:00 pm sharp, the man[…]

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DANGLE The silky, white, arch is visible just above the soft leather. A slight nudge and the strap breaks its hold. Allowing her spiked neighbor to hover just above the ground. The plump digits balance[…]

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