Taken: I hurried along to the tune of my ipod, my knee still hurting from volleyball practice, but I ignored it. I’d made a dive for the ball and landed too hard. The sun was[…]
Digital chains, chapter 1: my new long-distance master
<Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. The characters neither are nor are based on real people. While the username MercilessHound666 may exist, he or she is not represented, in part or whole, by[…]
Taboo resistance part 2
*there are two sides to every story. My name is Liz. I wrote a little porn story and left it on my husbands windshield one morning. It told of me having an affair at my[…]
The gambler
I really hate amateurs. Especially amateurs with guns. If people can’t afford to lose, they shouldn’t play poker. Unfortunately, some people don’t get that. They seem to believe that anyone can gamble and make money.[…]
Misty 1
Misty 1 I can’t believe it, the pain just goes on and on, even when nothing is happening I remain in pain, I don’t know how much more I can take. They have left me[…]
Making the grade pt. 1
Making The Grade by LindsayO© I have brought this story over from another site…enjoy! Sitting at her desk in the back row of her Advanced Calculus class, Hilary is hiding behind her text book and[…]
Me and my hot black surfer friend part one
We came back through Johnos'door after surfing all morning. Johno put his bodyboard up against the kitchen bench,leaning towards my board in my hand he says 'Want me to take your board Jed?', Stunned by[…]
She said, he said
She She knelt in a large open space. She knelt in darkness, the black silk hood barring even the tiniest sliver of light from her eyes. She could sense that there were people nearby, but[…]
Verry incestous relations 4
Verry Incestuous Relations Chapter 4 Title: Mother Gives It Up A – MOTHER DEAREST / AN INCESTUOUS PLAN: Jerry heard the sound of his bedroom door opening, followed by his Brother Larry’s whisper, “Hey, are[…]
My first time
I remember that day like it was yesterday. My family had gone on vacation and left me home. I was grounded because of my crappy report card but i was fine cause i had the[…]
Marcy eats mucho cum
And so it came to pass that one day some fat whore with a big brown goiter on her neck named Marcy started talking all King Jamesish like she was in Old Testament times. “Verily[…]
Phoenix pt 4 ch 08
Jake sat on the porch, one booted foot up on the railing, looking out at the dust devils swirling around in the February desert sun. In less than an hour the sun would be going[…]
Dogs having sex
A guy is looking out in his front yard and notices two dogs having sex. He goes outside and sees his neighbor watching them also. He tells the neighbor that he wishes he could make[…]
My first time
I remember my first times each and every one of them. My first kiss, my first blow job given and the first time I was taken to bed. My first kiss was with Larry. Larry[…]
Joanna make up your mind
Hey this story is about the girl on block I thought I never get she is so sexy. I'm Jason 16 medium build go to gym a lot so I'm pretty happy with my body.[…]
Bryan's betrayal
My first thoughts were of Bryan as I sat up in bed and looked around. I was still naked and I had been sleeping on top of the covers. It was broad daylight and most[…]