Well all it has been a bit since I have posted on here. Take note of the themes above. If it doesnt sound like something you want to read about – then dont. I did[…]
A free ride
Id never really considered myself to be gay, but i knew id be lying if i tried to tell myself that i wasnt dissapointed not to have gone home with Barry. Id never actually had[…]
Comforting tracy after catching husband having an affair
I had arrived back into Dallas after being out of town for two weeks. I knew it would be two long weeks of no sex. I arrived on a Sunday night and was feeling a[…]
My first milf
My first Milf It was a brisk summer day when I had gone over to my best friend Brandon’s to relax after a day of hard work. When I knocked on the door his mother[…]
My daughter’s girlfriend
Fbailey story number 424 My Daughter’s Girlfriend Tina had several good-looking friends but Bonnie was the sexiest one of all. Bonnie was the same age as my daughter at fourteen, but she was much better[…]
Middle school white bodysuit
Fbailey story number 745 Middle School White Bodysuit Dad got a job transfer. It came with a promotion, more money, and in another state. Mom got lucky and landed a teaching job in our new[…]
Ghostly encounter
It was 3:00 a.m. The wind was howling and the shutters were banging on the windows. Jenny found herself tossing and turning all through the night. Just as she would start to drift off to[…]
An old flame rekindled
I was on the prowl – I had been involved with another guy who was married and wanted to see what the other side was like and I had been enjoying male sex for some[…]
Victorious: corrupting cat part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in Victorious and have no association with anyone involved in the show. Author's Note: This story takes place after the Cat tells Jade a joke video for theslap.com.[…]
Center mass
Ebony Part One: Center Mass Greg Lorcan had left implicit instructions with the Hotel manager to be left alone in the restaurant banquet hall, a room sizable enough to accommodate at least fifty people comfortably.[…]
The pills (part 2)
This is my second story ever so again I hope you guys like it! REMEMBER THIS IS ALL FICTION AND CANT/SHOULDNT EVER BE DONE IN REAL LIFE. Once again, remember, these pills dont even exist[…]
Blondes car breaks down
A blonde's car breaks down on the Interstate one day, so she eases it over onto the shoulder. She carefully steps out of the car and opens the trunk. Out jump two men in trench[…]
Hong kong dong
On a business trip to the Orient, Joe decided to spend his last night having wild sex with a Geisha Girl. Upon returning home three weeks later, he noticed a very weird green, festering sore[…]
Best friend turned sex partner
Me and my female bro just chilling like usual. Rate well guys. Tell me if you want another and/or what to do next. /> It was my uncle and aunt’s 25th anniversary, and they had[…]
Charity store to charity whore
The Charity Store The shop was just like any other charity shop, rows of second hand clothes on moveable racks, old books, toys, nick nacks, paintings, photographs, books, CDs, tools, cutlery, plates, musical instruments some[…]
Lip service
I was good a good cock suck when Master found me. I enjoyed sucking the way most women enjoy an orgasm. I found that my favorite cocks were about six inches long, thick and uncircumcised.[…]