Five on her

**Finally finished another one of my stories…trying something a bit different this time..hope u like it…comments very appreciated! 🙂 RYAN! The experience I wanted to share is about my friend's wife Britney (not her real[…]

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After school

Ok, this story takes place about six years ago, when I was thirteen. Not really, just setting the story. I lived in the burbs and I had a great life. There was a girl I[…]

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When in rome – 07

Author's Notes I'm having difficulty doing dailies with all of the family stuff going on for the holidays. The story is far from over, and I'm still writing. I'm just having a hard time finding[…]

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This is about a different society. Travis was a 19 year-old college student from Ohio, at 6"2 with broad shoulders, and a thatch of dark hair on his head, blue eyes and monster cock, he[…]

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You only love once

You Only Love Once NOTE: This story was written during Hurricane Sandy, so punctuation, grammar, and spelling may lack. I haven’t had Internet or cable in 8 days! Comments and insights wanted, however, don’t be[…]

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Click… Click… Click… Damn clock. I realized I was awake by that sound seemingly getting louder with every second. I seemed to be in a heavy fog, everything was grey, my movements sluggish. This isn’t[…]

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