I didn’t get my perfect fantasy I realized you love yourself More that you could ever love me So go and tell your friends That I’m fat and crazy, That’s fine You won't mind if[…]
Dan's xxx dream part 4
Dan’s XXX Dream Part four Dan sends her to a specialist Monday brought more changes to Rachel’s life; her class load was like any freshmen’s, heavy and long. Her first class was at nine, her[…]
Katlin and missy: ch 3 – pregnancy
Cathy: Chapter 2 was longer than I originally planned. But I couldn't see breaking off before the two girls became pregnant. It ends with a long narration by Mark, the man who's finally accepted what[…]
Mom gets a suprise
This happened when I was fifteen and really getting interested in sex in a big way. As most of you guys know, at that age your hormones are raging and it’s hard to think about[…]
Roland and verna part 3
Roland & Verna Part 4 Verna wanted some extra painting done in her kitchen that management didn’t approve of so I took it upon my own to be responsible for the expense to repaint it[…]
Call girl chronicles part 8 — working it out
Kimiko strode through the front door of the plush gym, and showed the desk clerk the membership card she had been sent through the mail. The clerk glanced up, and told her she had better[…]
Carol's craving
/> <b>By Charm /> <I>(c) 2001 Charmbrights. All rights reserved. The author has asserted the moral rights under sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act /> <b>Carol and /> Coming away[…]
Mum helps her 18-year-old daughter
I picked up my newly turned 18-year-old daughter Ashleigh late one day from cheerleading practice. It was the first week, and apparently, they had been working the girls hard. As we drove home, she complained[…]
Stockroom — part ii
Chapter Two Michael refrains from grabbing my hand, but we both exit the bag room at a run. Clocking out and retrieving our belongings from the office quickly, we bolt out the employee exit side[…]
The island chapter 4 megan's point of veiw
So just a few things a lot of you may notice my spelling errors, i do not have access to a real computer ive been writing this story on a tablet for the last few[…]
New beginnings – pt 2 ch 5
The hatchway read ‘Sick Bay – Lab’. Frank opened the hatch and pulled himself through. “Hello, Frank; Ember,” Frank Senior said, greeting the engineering officer and his son. it coming? Did you find out anything[…]
Michelle – sleepover 2 – ch 10
Oh my God! Penises! The box contained several different pretend sizes…but no mistaking what they were! "Jen," I squealed, "Where did you…how did /> "These are some of my very best friends," she whispered in[…]
Exposed by a stone
Chapter 1- Everstone The stones lit up the brilliant store, much like jewelry. The marble architecture shone white like a pearl, almost blinding my eyes. It was a decent sized room, with a high ceiling[…]
Virgin raped
She put on her padded bra and her thong pulled her hair up and added a little make up and climbed out of her bedroom window head to the party on the other side of[…]
Cock worshipper – part 7
Cock Worshipper – Part 7 My friend Aaron who I mentioned in the previous installment of my story was also famous for giving me another nickname, which some still call me after I tell them[…]
Finding love along the tracks chapter 11 – brenda's mom (revised)
Finding Love Along the Tracks Chapter 11 – Brenda's mom "What the hell are you doing here, Mom!?" Brenda yelled. "After all these fucking years, abandoning me with dad!" Kelsy and John looked at Brenda,[…]