"JACKIE, Hurry up, you're going to be late for school. Lets go." "Wait, I'll be down in a second." Jackie quickly finished brushing her teeth and tied her hair up. She ran down stairs, gave[…]
Sam 10
Sam looked at the huge collection of IP troops that he already had tied up. This was nothing compared to how many he'd seen on the planet when he was in space. He also had[…]
Night of eternal pleasure pt 2 : gone camping.
It was a few days after the party, after everything in the bathroom, we had both fell asleep there, luckily, we had woken up before anyone had come in, and so we quickly got dressed,[…]
Naughty talk
let me see if I've got it all down," Linda said as she finished filling entering the order data into her computer terminal, "that's two hundred of the XT40's, sixty of the ZX35's and forty[…]
The barbie lez fantasies – week 68: tiger sex
Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for[…]
Permission granted
It was a free weekend. My sister decided to take the baby to sleep at the doctor's house and Jill was staying at the college, so I was alone. How strangely quiet everything was. I[…]
Photos of laura
I had been seeing Laura off and on for a couple years, we were fuck buddies at best, and at our worst would go weeks not talking. We had been on again for a while[…]
Something crazy
“I just want to do something crazy and wild one day. You know, public sex caliber.” I could feel the swelling within that started to get me wet even before we entered the spa. Michi[…]
The bitches
The Bitches I met Ann in the local pub; I hadn’t seen her for years. I hardly knew her, as she was an old friend of my elder sister but she had moved away from[…]
I'm sorry
/> The attempt to get the usher's attention went unnoticed as he quickly collected the discarded church programs and fans left strewn about in the pews. Dan noted Kris' bright blue afro and the small[…]
Saturday night escapades 4
Foreword: This story was harder to write than the first three in the series as it takes place over nearly two and a half days instead of one night (hence the long break between this[…]
Sara's protective dad part 3
When we get to our bedroom, more of bedroom sweet, with master bath, walk in closet, den, and setting area, Sara ask? “Dad will you help get me out of this dress?” “I thought that[…]
Second life becomes her
As the hum of the computer interrupted me from my far away thoughts I looked for the Second life icon and double clicked it. Within minutes I would be in the virtual world I loved[…]
Lust if life: chapter 1
This is my fist story of this kind… So please be constructive…. Ill continue if that is what people want. Anna rolled over in her sleeping bag and opened her sea green eyes and grimaced[…]
Freshman follies
This is so wrong, Kayla thought to herself. First, who has a mirror right there on the wall? Second, I don’t do this kind of thing. Third, I don’t even know his name. Kayla continued[…]
For the love of lana 5
Jonathan's plan grew more and more it seemed with each passing minute, he was sure he could get away with it. Now all he had to do was implement it, tomorrow was the day they[…]