Mowing mr lewis

I never saw myself as the type of girl who was pretty, a girl who turned heads and got boys attention. I guess you could say I was a tomboy, hiding my feminine nature. That's[…]

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The canoe trip

The Canoe Trip Chris paddled at a slow stead pace. The canoe slipped through the water with only the slightest whisper of it's passing. He and Jessie slid through the backwaters silently watching the world[…]

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Nightly rounds

Trina shuddered, wrapping her light jacked tightly around her sexy young body. With the click of high heels, she hurried up the front steps of the small private hospital. It was a hospital that specialized[…]

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Horny mom

When David was 18 he lost his father. His mother, Heather, was devastated. The plans that were made were scrapped. He felt that he couldn't leave home when she needed him so much. Her son[…]

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Dna 2 chapter 10

Michael Kingston had never been invited out to Quince's house before. It wasn't a large house, but being well out of the city, it had a fair-sized field which contained several expensive horses. Apart from[…]

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Love in the snow.

Miles, come and look at this view it's so beautiful" you call " I can't believe you've managed to find a place like this" From where I'm sitting, the view is indeed beautiful, but I[…]

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