Catherine and michael

The comment section has been restricted to members only due to the spammers and other idiots. Please feel free to PM your comments to me. Lucky Mann Catherine and Michael Catherine was a guest lecturer[…]

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A visit (part one)

PART ONE: The Arrival It had been weeks since we’d last been together. In those weeks since she left I’d gone through every emotion I could feel towards this woman and then come full circle[…]

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Visit to agent

Alex is short for Alexandra, arrives at my Highland Park home, a modest home comfortable upper middle class neigborhood. “ Let’s go inside,” I said. With that, she turns quickly on her heel, and is[…]

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Old folk oral sex

A young fellow was about to be married and was asking his grandfather about sex. He asked, How often I should have it?" His grandfather told him, "When you first get married, you want it[…]

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Online romance

Greg finally made it home from work. It had been an unusually long day and he was tired. He walked into his modest two-bedroom apartment, loosened his tie, and kicked off his shoes. He walked[…]

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New year's day.

The following is true and is happening now. I know my writing needs some work and perhaps as this story continues in my life my writing will improve. About ten years ago I became sexually[…]

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Late for work

Damn it, I'm already late for work and there's a mob waiting for the elevators. We shuffle in, packed in like sardines. I made my way to the back, second in from the wall. Fifteen[…]

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The other half of me

THE OTHER HALF OF ME Prologue: Then The labour had been long and difficult. The exhausted nineteen year old young woman lay on her back, sucking in large gasps of breath as she recovered from[…]

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