Hurricane irene

Fbailey story number 616 Hurricane Irene We had plenty of warning of Hurricane Irene’s destructive force. The hurricane was headed our way. It was going to hit the Eastern Coast of the United States and[…]

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Wife lessons

I watched as my wife struggled against the tight ropes that bound her thick legs and ankles covered in black knee high stockings to the hotel chair. With her wrists tightly bound behind her, she[…]

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My first attempt

Upon entering the restaurant, the bright lights overtook my eyes. They had become accustomed to the dark during the long walk down the city streets on the way to the restaurant. The scents from the[…]

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A true love story

Helen sat on the swing set at the playground looking sad and lonely. She looked around at all the other children playing with their friends and having fun, well she sat all alone with no[…]

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Ease the pain

Lookin to sooth the pain… ease the strain…. just need time …everything in place I will emerge with grace… cause I've got nothin to lose… It s all been taken from me …. You make[…]

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Springbreak part ii

Part II – Springbreak Stephanie walked out of the bathroom and said to Josh " I am so humiliated by that". Josh wasn't very sympathetic. "Get over it" he said. "Now suck me off". She[…]

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“That was good, I had a little one,” She tells me groaning. “Just a little one,” I ask wondering what else I should have done. “Yes, it was basic fucking and it was good enough.[…]

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Harry goes to he doctor's and sits in a queue between to other guys. They start talking and one admits to having a red ring round the top of his penis. Harry then admits that[…]

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