Lee, our friend

Part 1: A near true story !!!!! My lady likes — actually loves big cocks. She can accommodate most any cock existing since her surgeon provided her a "very, very nice play pen", in fact[…]

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Holly & dr hartley

Holly Bennett fought her way to the back of the old equipment cupboard to retrieve the stepladder. Earlier that day, she had been asked to stay late to help Dr Hartley take stock of all[…]

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First day

"This has been my dream since I went on that historically black college tour!" The girl on the side of me practically beamed. I sighed and lugged my suitcases down the hall to my new[…]

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Bringing in jenny

My girlfriend and I had been discussing for quite some time about inviting a woman into our sex lives for a threesome. We are an extremely sexual couple that met under some interesting conditions. She[…]

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Alice labs

It's so hard… It's so hard not to cry in front of the scientists. I wouldn't if they'd pull the tube out of my mouth and let me talk to them. No, they don't. They[…]

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