Dustin pt. 1

My name is lauren and I am a sophomore in high school. I am 5 feet and 5 inches tall with medium length brown hair. There is this boy in my grade named Dustin who[…]

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Sweet revenge

Susan and Claire Cheerfully walked in. School was out, It was weekend and their parents were on a business trip to Taiwan for three weeks. It would just be the two of them and the[…]

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Have a girl

…..It started when some girlfriends told her in confidence that they were having sex play with their daddy’s. Their dad’s, supposedly, were feeling them up, fingering them, licking their pussy and letting them jack them[…]

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Camorra chapter 1

Camorra cursed, vehemently. Sliding back in the shadows of the alleyway, he watched as the young man joked and laughed with his friends. He'd let his admiration get in the way, again. He knew he[…]

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My secretary cathy

My Secretary Cathy is my lover in both the physical and emotional sense. Cathy loves almost everybody, especially those of us who salute her when she walks by. I have no other female lover. My[…]

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Sensual desire

Sensual Desires 5-23-03 on a bed of roses to lay you down upon the ground to touch your soft skin tell me it is not a sin? than to smell your hair kiss your lips[…]

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