You don't notice me walking up behind you as you enter your apartment, after you open the first door I grab your hair and force your face into the wall. You start to scream but[…]
Another kind of party…part 1
Her name is Samantha she lives in new jersey so that should put the setting in place it’s a small town everyone knows each other one way or another. She’s got a pair of 32Bs[…]
Diary of a slave merchant – 2008 (part 6)
January 15th, 2008 10:31pm This night went from strange, to just plain bizarre. I went in to the punishment room, and Catherine was lying still, not making a sound. I walked around and sat on[…]
Never trust aunt angie part 1
I will never forget those words my mom said to me, i was only 8 when she looked me in the eyes and said "never trust aunt Angie, ok?" It was the first time she[…]
Lessons Want to be Tied up and tortured? FREE BONDAGE Knock first, ask for Scott I ripped down the fake flyer some joker put on my door, keyed it and walked in. Ever since my[…]
The new england army sex club – part one
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 07:14:22 -0000 From: /> Subject: The New England Army Sex Club – Part One (Military, College, Authoritative, Urination) The following Adult Erotic story is fictional. However it is based on[…]
All mine
I wrapped the somewhat small towel around myself and walked out of the en suite bathroom, and back into the bedroom. My long, red hair, still damp, dripped down my back and my long legs[…]
One more time
*DING DONG* I could hear the doorbell echoing in the hall; I waited impatiently bouncing on the doorstep to Drew's home… Finally the door opened, it was his mother. She looked me up and down,[…]
The magic mirror
Beth liked working for her father, it brought in extra money and she met some nice guys. Chuck was her favorite at the moment, but he was gone for the day. She liked being the[…]
When i became a woman, by cassy lee
When I Became A Woman, by Cassy Lee Hi, Diary. Like, I’m only just thirteen last month, and I hope you don’t think I’m naughty or anything, but I am real honest. I got my[…]
Guess she's not out of my league
Hey this is my first story ever, so please leave helpful criticism and leave the negative comments in your head. If you like it, let me know I have a lot of ideas. "Another day[…]
If i love her why do i use her
When I was 8 years old my mother remarried a man, I was happy as we were kinda poor living in Detroit MI, my father had left us before I could really even remember him.[…]
Revenge, pt 13: insert title here
*IMPORTANT* This is a new account for superkev123, I can no longer access my old one, so I am re-posting all my old ones here, and will also be uploading new ones. Chapter 13 I[…]
The first meeting
We met at Starbucks just as we had planned 5 days before. I was in the back of the store and saw a woman with hair that looked similar to the picture of you on[…]
The big sleepover
If you're interested in teenaged bi explorations, read on. This is based on a true story, with names changed and time events compressed to make for a safe and more readable story. Enjoy! We were[…]
Hand jobs and cheese sandwiches
A man goes in to a bar. He looks up and sees a sign on the wall: "HAND JOBS $5…CHEESE SANDWICHES $2. He looks around, sees a waitress and says, "Are you the one who[…]